Fox NHL Effects for 2001-2002 Season

These effects are not actually the ones distributed by Fox but built to look the same. For reasons too ridiculous to explain, the register numbers begin at 11 but this should pose no real problem. If it appears that some effects are missing (gaps in register number sequences) this is because those effects are custom built and proprietary.

File Name Effect Notes
FOX2001.E11 NHL Replay Fox logo zooms toward viewer, dissolves off to reveal replay. "Out" half of move is the reverse. Note: This effect "times out" upon recall from disk. This is normal, probably a DVEous bug.
Sources: 1=Replay M/E, 3=Logo Fill, 4=Logo key
FOX2001.E12 Zoom on/off Zooms an M/E on with a glint, pauses before similar zoom off.
Sources: 1=M/E
FOX2001.E14 Chryon fly Standard chyron zoom on & off with de-focus and lighting effect.
Sources: 1=Fill, 2=Key
FOX2001.E15 Double Box Side by side double box
Sources: Not sure
FOX2001.E16 Triple Box Triple box: 2 top, 1 bottom
Sources: 1=Top left, 3=Top right, 4(?)=Bottom
FOX2001.E18 2 CG fly Flies Chy-1 in, pauses, flies Chy-1 out and Chy-2 in, pauses, flies Chy-2 out.
Sources: 1=Fill-1, 2=Key-1, 3=Fill-2, 4=Key-2
FOX2001.E19 End of period Simple squeeze for the end-of-period "stack" (usually Elvis-1 over chyron over squeezed Elvis-2).
Sources: 1=Elvis-2 (rollout source)
SND_BITE.E24 Sound bite Keys chyron over squeezed source for Fox's lower 3rd sound bite. Might have to adjust squeeze but makes the bite and hicon really easy to produce.
Sources: Not sure (try 1&2 for Chyron, 3 for bite source)
