Tips for using the DVEous

Loading Effects from Disk

Press the "Disk" button. Select "Recall" with the upper left softkey. You should get list of files displayed. Adjust the "file type" soft knob to either "all" or "effects" (this determines which types of files are displayed). Select the one that you want with the leftmost softknob and press the "confirm recall" softkey.

If the "register" soft knob is set to "original", the effect will be loaded into its original register (as denoted by the last two digits in the file extension). If you wish to load it into a different register, select that register number prior to pressing "confirm recall".

If you get an error that states that an effect is protected, this means that the destination register is protected. You can unprotect it by pressing the "recall effects" button, selecting the register and turning protection off with the appropriate soft knob.

Due to a software glitch, the DVEous may display the effect comments incorrectly on the "recall effects" menu. I don't yet have a good work-around.... anyone?

Saving Effects to Disk

Press the "Disk" button. Select "Save" with the upper left softkey. You should get list of files displayed. Adjust the "file type" soft knob to either "all" or "effects" (this determines which types of files are displayed). Select the register number that you wish to save with the "register" knob (don't use the file selector knob for this).

Press the "Save" softkey. Prior to pressing "confirm save", you may enter a file name but if you do not, the default will be used (it should be displayed in the lower right of the screen). I like to set my file names from the "recall effects" menu where I can easily see if I've done so already or not.

Due to what I can only consider a software bug, the DVEous may display the wrong filename in the corner as it saves. Don't panic.

Recalling an Effect

To recall an effect to the workspace, type the one or two digit effect number and press "recall effect". It is not necessary to be in the "recall effect" menu already but it's nice to watch when you are trying to check switcher initiated recalls.

Changing an Effect's Channel Sources

Usually an effect will work "as is" if you identify the video sources that are used but sometimes effects are built using inputs that do not exist on your DVEous hardware or cannot (for some reason) be patched.

To change the physical input for a channel:

  1. Double-press the channel that you would like to modify (delegating that channel and forcing the display to reflect it). Next, press the Global channel delegation (in case you wind up changing the source for a defocus channel since this is handled in the global world).

  2. Press the "input" menu button.

  3. You'll see a keyframe by keyframe list of the source for this channel. Check to see which keyframes should be changed and take one of the following actions:

    1. To change the source for only one keyframe - Use the "Next" or "Previous" buttons to select the correct keyframe. Change the video source using either or both source selector knobs. Press "Modify" (quick menu) or Modify Enter.

    2. To change the source all keyframes - Change the video source using either or both source selector knobs. Press Modify All Enter. Do not use the Modify button in the quick keyframes area to the left.

    3. To change the source for a range of keyframes - Change the video source using either or both source selector knobs. Press "Modify" <kf#> "To" <kf#> "Enter". For example, to modify keyframes 2 through 4 you'd press the following:

        Modify 2 To 4 Enter

If you get an error claiming "No Deltas" it is likely that your effect is not positioned exactly on a keyframe. Use Previous and/or Next to position correctly. If this still does not work, try double pressing the Global channel first in case you have a staggered time line and are actually changing the Global channel.

Storing an Effect from the Workspace

If you've modified an effect (or built a new one such as a clock or double box or whatever) you can store it for later recall. To do this, simply enter type the one or two digit destination register number and press "save effect". This will, of course, burn any unprotected effect that was previously in that register.

This is a good time to name your effect and insert comments.

General Functions

This is a quick and dirty "how to do what you want" chart. It's not going to cover everything but should get you through the most common binds. Remember to delegate the proper channel buttons (Global, 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B) to be sure that your operations are affecting the correct channels!

Function How/Where Notes
Clearing the Workspace
(AKA "Start Over")
Delete All Enter then Normal Normal Normal Enter Deletes all keyframes and restores all channels to defaults. Be sure to delegate all channels!
Restore all channels to defaults Normal Normal Normal Enter Keeps all your keyframes but resets all channels.
Resizing, Aspect, Skew, ... 2D menu
Cropping and borders Border/Crop Menu
 {Crop} or {Border}
Joystick adjusts position of crop/border window. Softknobs change edges individually
Insert a key frame Insert Enter or "Insert Next" (quick menu) Inserts keyframe only on delegated channels.
Delete a key frame Delete Enter or Delete (quick menu) Deletes current keyframe. Can also delete a different keyframe: Delete <kf#> Enter    or a range of keyframes: Delete <kf#> To <kf#> Enter
Change keyframe duration Timeline {Kdur} Softknob or keyboard entry can set duration.
Create strobe effect coming soon...

Setup and Timing

Most of the time you will not have to worry about DVE setup and timing because digital trucks are forgiving and many EICs keep setup disks. However sometimes, especially in analog trucks, the DVE will need some help. Information on timing and setup adjustment is in the DVEous Troubleshooting section.

Important Tips