Tips for using the Sony 7000

I'm no expert on the Sony 7000 and I've only used it a few times but be encouraged by the fact that I hate it less now than I used to. With this in mind, please understand that the following information is largely accurate but I may have missed something along the way and will welcome corrections.

Mapping Switcher Crosspoints

To assign switcher inputs to crosspoints, enter the "Setup", select the [Operation] softkey then the {Xpt Assign} softkey. Hold the {Button #} softkey and on the Aux bus press the button corresponding to the crosspoint that you'd like to assign (alternatively you can enter the crosspoint number on the master E-mem keypad). Once a crosspoint is selected, use the up/down arrows near the display to select the input to assign to the selected crosspoint. Press {Select} to make the assignment. You should probably name your inputs before mapping them to help avoid confusion.

Naming/Renaming Switcher Inputs

Unlike the Grass Valley 3000/4000, inputs (rather than crosspoints) are named. Assignment of inputs to crosspoints carries the input names to the crosspoints. To rename the mneumonics for each input, go to the "Setup"->[Operation]->{Xpt Assign}{Source Name} menu. Here you can select crosspoints on the left and names on the right and assign then using the {Select} softkey. I prefer to create custom names with the {Set User Name} function which I'll not explain here because it's real easy to figure out. Do realize that when editing user names, you can do several at once and then assign them later (this saves a lot of menu switching).

Creating "Auto Select" Associations

To associate key sources to their corresponding video sources go to the "Setup"->[Operation]->{Auto Select} menu. Hold the {Fill} softkey and select a video source on the Aux bus. Next, hold the {Source} softkey and select a key source on the Aux bus. At this point the association is made and when keying, the key source will be auto selected based on the video source selected.

Storing Snapshots (E-Mems)

On the M/E buses, snapshots are stored by holding down the "Snapshot" button and pressing the a desired numbered key. There are 100 snapshots available (10 banks of 10) and banks are switched by using the "Shift" and pressing a bank number.

On the Master E-Mem (I'm calling it that for identifiability, not because that's what it is actually called) storing is done differently: To store a master E-mem, first delegate "Snapshot" space and then delegate the switcher levels (M/E# P/P, User, etc) that you wish to save. Next press the "Store" button then the two digit Snapshot number followed by the "Enter" key. Note that this is shared space with the Snapshots that you save independently on the M/E levels. This means that if you save a snapshot on the Master E-Mem with M/E 2 delegated, you can recall it from the M/E 2 Snapshot keypad as well. Also note that you can use the "Eff" delegation to save snapshots in "effects" space which is independent of "snapshot" space but I only do that when I'm integrating Snapshot recall with DME effect recall.

On the M/E snapshot keypads you have rudimentary control some snapshot attributes (namely, the Effects Dissolve and the Auto Trans) but under the "Regs"->{Attrib Edit} menu you have control of much more (such as crosspoint disable). On that page you can simply select snapshots and attributes with the arrow keys and change them at will. These changes are immediately effective and do not require re-saving snapshots.

Recalling Snapshots

Snapshots are recalled in two ways depending on where you do it. On the M/E buses, you simply press a number corresponding to the snapshot that you want to recall. Note that the "Snapshot" button must be lit first! If you need to recall a snapshot on another bank, press the "Shift" key followed by the two digit snapshot number. The snapshot will be recalled and you will now be operating on the new bank. (Note: I swear that there was another mode of operation for the shift key but I cannot find it!)

On the Master E-mem, to recall a snapshot you must first delegate "Snapshot" space and then the switcher level that you wish to recall. Next press the "Recall" key (unnecessary if it is already lit which it likely will be) and press the two digit snapshot number to recall followed by the "Enter" key. Note that to the dismay of many TDs there is not an "auto recall" function! To get around this, you can use the shot box.

Using Keyers

Setting keyers is fairly straightforward but note the following:

Setting Transition Rates

This is a minor issue but I always need to do it, so here's how to set transition rates for keyers and auto transitions:

Go to the "Stats"->[All]->{Trans Rate} menu. The lower softkeys will allow you to select a switcher level (M/Es and P/P) and also to select the particular rate that you wish to change (Auto Trans, Keyer 1, Keyer 2, etc). The rate is entered on the Master E-mem keypad.

There is a "Trans Rate" button on the Master E-mem keypad. Do not use it if you are setting rates in the menu as described above. It is just a quick and dirty way of setting rates, however, I haven't found a way to set all rates with it so I just use the menu and do all of them in one shot.

Handling the DME

Perhaps the nicest thing about the DME is the fact that it integrates well with the switcher and you won't spend any time screwing around with communication and protocols. If you had to liken the DME/switcher communication to a Grass Valley scenario, it functions most like the CPL protocol.

Simply put, DME effects are recalled and saved as if they were snapshots (but in "Effects" space, not "Snapshot" space). Also, they are loaded from and saved to disk in much the same fashion.

Once an effect is recalled, it is simply run with the "Run" button.

The rest of the DME notes will be found in the DME help section.

Using the Shot Box

To do the equivalent of an "auto recall", the Sony offers a Shot Box. It is easy to set up and a big help. You may or may not have an external shot box key panel. If not, you can assign the shotbox keys to the Utility section of the menu key panel.

To set functions for the Shot Box keys, go to the "Setup"->[Operation]->{Shot Box} menu. With the up/down arrows, select a Shot Box key number. With the left/right arrows you can page between the switcher and DME parameter areas. Select Snapshot or Effect numbers for recall and highlight the switcher regions and DME channels that you wish to have recalled.

If you do not have the external Shot Box keypad, you can assign Shot Box key numbers to the Utility menu area by going to the "Setup"->[Operation]->{Utility} menu. Press the {Shot Box} softkey and select the Shot Box key number. Finally, press one of the flashing Utility keys and it will become that Shot Box key.