Tips for using the DD-35

Please note that the functionality of the DD-35 can vary quite a bit depending on the software version it is using. Once upon a time you could not (easily) control the third keyer on each M/E nor could you layer it under the others. Key re-assignability was limited too. If you should find a DD-35 with old software, please understand that *some* limitations may apply and not all that is presented here will work.

Mapping Switcher Crosspoints

To assign switcher inputs to crosspoints, enter the "Config" menu and select "panel" then click on the "Assign" tab. Select the areas of the switcher to be affected (usually ALL) in the left column. From the middle column select the input source and in the right column select the crosspoint to assign it to and press the "assign" button. Don't mind the delay that occurs while the assignment is performed. You should probably name your inputs before mapping them to help avoid confusion.

Naming/Renaming Switcher Inputs

Unlike the 3000/4000 switchers, the inputs themselves (not the crosspoints) are named. When crosspoint mapping is done, the crosspoints are named automatically from the input names. To rename the 4 character (switcher) and 8 character (router) mneumonics for each input, go to the "Config" menu and select "E-Box" then click on the "Input" tab. You can select a 4 or 8 character mneumonic and press "modify" to change it. Under the "coupled key" column you can select key sources to associate with video sources for "coupled keys" (same as "autoselect" on a Grass Valley). Note that coupled key sources follow their video sources through any crosspoint changes.

Storing E-mems (Snapshots)

Prior to storing an E-mem, it's a good idea to enter the "TiM/E-Memo" menu and delegate the bus that you are working on. You will probably want to set the auto-recall to "on". Define which portions of bus (or switcher) that you wish to have affected by the e-mem during recall by selecting that (via mouse) and pressing the "take" or "release" buttons. Areas in green will be affected during e-mem recall.

To actually store an E-mem, press the "store" button, enter a two digit E-mem number (00-99) and press "enter". If you are not in "bank mode" (that is, no bank buttons are lit) then the above will work as expected but if one of the bank buttons is lit, E-mem storage will only succeed on that bank (this is a safety measure that has saved me many times).

One nice feature of the DD35 is that E-mems can recall by source, not by crosspoint (this is called source hunting and must be turned on in the switcher personality). This allows the TD to re-map inputs to new crosspoints without having to rebuild E-mems. This is a double edged sword though! If a tape deck fails prior to the show (and you've already built E-mems using it) you cannot just map the replacement deck into the same crosspoint and expect the E-mem to recall it. You'll have to turn off source hunting if you want to disable this feature but do that before you start building your E-mems or you could get burnt.

Recalling E-mems

E-mems can be recalled in two ways. The long ugly way is to key in a two digit E-mem number (00-99) and to press the "cut" key (just to the right, same section). Prefered, however, is "bank" mode. By pressing the "bank" key, you can recall E-mems on the selected bank with a single keystroke. Bank selection (within bank mode) is done just to the right of the number pad. Warning: Double punching the same bank select button will turn bank mode off and potentially bone you during a show.

Using Keyers

Whereas the P/P bus can have three or six keyers (depending on purchased options), each M/E has four keyers but you are only likely to use three. Note that the third keyer is missing some options like shadows. The fourth keyer is dedicated for use with the DVE transition and although this is used a lot in the rest of the world, those of us in the USA rarely build our shows to use it. If you're really slick, you *can* utilize this keyer for things other than transitions but with a great deal of limitation. Since the DD-35 is a true 4 M/E switcher (not just 3 + P/P), the P/P is a real M/E just like the rest. This means that that third keyer has the same limitations as on the rest of the M/Es. It becomes a good place to key a DVE, Elvis or Profile but not a telestrator.

Setting keyers is fairly straightforward but note the following:

Handling the DVE

To recall DVE effects, refer to the wipe section of the switcher (beside the LCD panel) and select "DVE 1". Pressing the wipe pattern buttons will recall corresponding DVE effect numbers. The pattern keys are numbered as follows: First row (left to right): 1-6, Second row: 7-12 ... and so on.

To run an effect, refer to the "Machine Control" section and select the "DVE 1" button. The transport control row beneath that will control the DVE as you'd expect but do know that once an effect finishes, it does NOT auto-rewind. This is a big pain because then you have to rewind the effect to use it again.

An alternate method of running the DVE (which DOES auto-rewind) is to use a GPI trigger. Follow these steps to set up a GPO to the DVE:
  1. Talk your friendly EIC into connecting GPO #1 of the DD35 to GPI #1 of the DVEous.
  2. Check the DVE (remote menu) to assure that GPI #1 is set to "Run Forward".
  3. In the DD35 "remote" menu, make sure that GPO's are enabled. Select the GPO softkey, select GPO #1 and trigger it to test run the DVE.

Running the DVE from a macro (this is the EASIER way):
  1. Start recording a macro.
  2. Select the "remote" menu and the GPO softkey.
  3. Select GPO #1 and trigger it.
  4. If you are triggering a digicart via the switcher and wish to trigger it along with the DVE, select the GPO that is assigned to the digicart and trigger it.
  5. Exit the record macro mode (press the blinking macro button).

Note that I use Switcher GPO #1 and DVE GPI #1 but any will work. Also, as a habit, I create two macros to run the DVE, one with a digicart trigger.

Running the DVE from an E-mem (this is the HARDER way):
  1. Store an E-mem (anywhere on the switcher). Prior to storing this E-mem, use the "define" feature in the "TiME/Memo" menu to release any levels of the switcher that you do NOT wish to have affected any time you run the DVE. Also, Auto-Recall and Auto-Run should be enabled.
  2. Edit the E-mem to delete the default transition and insert a GPO #1 trigger (Insert->Trigger->GPO->Modify->1->E).

If this has been done correctly, every time you recall this E-mem the DVE will be run as if you had pressed the "run forward" button. You can recall this E-mem directly (while in bank mode) to use it as a "run" button or you can reference it from a macro for greater magical powers.

Recalling DVE effects using E-mems

The above method for recalling DVE effects is simply the mechanics for doing so but not very suited for live shows so you will want to either create E-mems that will safely recall effects, route sources, etc. or create a macro to do the same thing (or both). I find using macros to be easier but if you want your switcher to have a more "4K" feel you might want to control your effects through E-mems as follows:

  1. Start by recalling the desired DVE effect (from the switcher, NOT the DVE) and route the appropriate sources to it on the Aux Bus. If you want to recall any M/E settings (like a replay brand) do this too. At this point I like to change my DVE keyer to source from black, not the DVE (this will insure that no glitches hit air during the effect change but that does mean that I have to set up a run button that restores the DVE).
  2. Go to the "TiME/Memo" menu and delegate P/P. Be sure that Auto-Recall is on.
  3. Next use the "define" feature in the "TiME/Memo" menu to select ONLY the levels of the switcher that you wish to have affected by your proposed E-mem. This will be something like the following:
  4. Finally, store the E-mem on the Master E-mem panel.

Recalling DVE effects using macros

You can also use macros (see below) to recall DVE effects. The strategy is very simple:

What about P-Bus?

Although the DVE *could* be attached via P-Bus, I've never seen it done that way. Rather, it is interfaced as a controlled machine where the switcher expects to find it. I probably should put a detailed P-Bus section together for those who encounter devices that have to connect that way but that will happen as time permits. Until then, if you have to deal with a P-Bus device look into the timeline editing features where you'll find that you can insert register recalls and P-Bus triggers. There's a little more to it but most TDs can work it out from there.

Building Macros

Perhaps the greatest feature of the DD35 is the "make memo" feature. Basically, this memorizes keystrokes and pauses for later playback via a single button. It may not sound like much, but this is tremendously powerful! To record a macro: